Sunday 4 September 2016

More on Freud

Short Blog post
1000 Dreams - David Fontana. Freud on Dreams PG 32, 33
Freud drew distinctions between what he calls 'above' & 'below' dreams. Dreams from below come from the unconscious "may be regarded as inroads o the repressed into waking life", while dreams of above result from the day's events -repressed from the ego. Things we don't accept through out the day can result in 'above' unconscious dreaming where everything is let out within that dream (negative thoughts & worries).
The ego continually strives to placate the id (the primary part of the mind, primordial instincts), to persuade it that its drives are not going unheard by consciousness as a whole. If the go fails in this(...) the pent-up instincts & buried traumas of the unconscious can break through and even lead to a full-scale mental breakdown.

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