Monday, 7 March 2016

Floor Plan & lighting

Today we decided on a rough layout for the floor plan and from what side of the room the man enters the apartment. I suggested that we change it to the man coming in from the left as the western world is left to right and it would be more clear for the audience.

In terms of lighting I first imagined the lighting being a saturated orange, but then blue represents sadness which is what this story is - sad. Having both blue and orange would be nice as they are complementary colours and would add nicely to the scene.
Lots of ideas were thrown around determining what kind of lighting we would implement.
- Small amount of light coming through the curtains.
- Light coming from a different room
-Bad lighting from a lamp
-curtains + curtain rod on the floor, street light emitting orange light through out the apartment, newspaper stuck to the windows to block out light.
We want to go with rather dim lighting as full on roof lights being on or strong lighting would be too much and ruin the mood.If the lighting is to be orange, it wouldn't be like fire lighting as it would be too warm - in terms of the mood rather than the temperature given off from the fire.

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