Tuesday 22 March 2016

More furniture

Had a look at more furniture. I imagine the house to be messy and unorganized. The husband is lost without his wife so he doesn't clean up after himself well. He even sleeps in the lounge to stay by the vanity unit. (Originally the vanity unit would've been in their room) We were going to have him sleep out in the lounge with the mirror when he could obviously move the mirror. Also is would be weird when you think about it 'why did he move the vanity unit into the lounge?' Well let's just say that the bedroom is very damaged annnnnd he managed to save her vanity unit? yeah. yeah we'll go with that. So a sleeping bag will be on the couch, clothes everywhere, basically he's living in the lounge - it's his bedroom now.
Messy like Merlin perhaps?

-used candles (tea tree or stick candles)
-dirty clothes
-broken furniture
-book shelf  + books on ground
-sleeping bag + pillows

Taylor and I made a list of possible things that can be on the vanity unit.
-dead flowers (red roses)
-cracked vase
-bottles of perfumes
-powder thing
-eyebrow pencils
-book stack
-cup (for brushes etc)
-little mirror

I had a look at some upright pianos as grand pianos are a bit much and an upright piano fits well.

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