Sunday 19 June 2016

Giving Feedback

Because I suck at working after effects xD Taylor had me look over the shots she's been working on to give feedback. I'm better with giving feedback to be honest ...Any who, here's a typed out version of what I wrote down for her.

Shot 2 -Lighting on Hamish is very bright once he's about halfway across the screen. The lighting needs to be dulled down. If the light was to be strong on Hamish then I feel like a shadow should be cast on the couch as he walks past.

Shot 3 - More orange -would contrast better with the blue. Perhaps face in of mirror world a bit later also. Hold the image of the real worlds door so the audience can take it in. Hold for about 1 and a half seconds.

Shot 5 - Lessen glow on Hamish (it's a tad too strong).

Shot 6 - Skin colour too light? Her lips shift over towards the end of the animation. Newspaper may need a blue tint (a little bit - bounce light of blue coloured environment). Again, the mirror world needs to be more orange.

Shot 7 - Lessen glow on Hamish as well as in the mirror world.

Shot 8 - Lighting on Hamish is really nice! Lessen glow just a tad.

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