Thursday, 14 April 2016

Late Ideas

I feel like it's a bit late for more ideas, but I'll post this anyway in case it's some how used.
The bus I catch in to town for course is pretty early, like the sun is rising and I thought of the colours in comparison to the colours we'll be using in our scene.
The husband - blue = cold
The wife - orange/yellow = warm
With the sunrise, the sun meets the sky. We can think of Elizabeth being like the sun. She is the warmth in the husbands world, as if he's the sky.

Then we bring the sun and moon into the picture.
Taylor suggested a painting of a sunrise in the scene.
I can take a photo of a sunrise and put it into photoshop to fit in with the scene.
There are 2 sources of orange light coming into the apartment being the streetlight outside and the orange aura light coming from the mirror. The shot where Elizabeth fades away, the orange light form the mirror world would fade also, leaving only the streetlight light the only source of orange light.
As Elizabeth is fading, the shot can change to focusing on the sunrise photo. The orange light from the mirror will be on the photo and the orange light will fade on the  photo, becoming more blue.

ALSO as Elizabeth fades, the streetlight can flicker and go out. This will bring the moonlight into the apartment, so the apartment will mainly, if not entirely be blue. Then the sunrise photo could be seen as a sunset.
The moon would represent the husband and the moonlight would shine in as if saying that it is ok to be alone.
The moonlight can shine on the husbands face when he is looking at the polaroid photo on the mirror. This lighting will be a lot more soothing than the streetlight.

Just to get one thing straight, he isn't really the moon, and she isn't really the sun, if this was the case then they'd never be together. 


Sunday, 10 April 2016

Earthquake Newspaper Clipping Development

We don't want a perfect looking newspaper article, so I tried out the lasso tool on photoshop to make it look teared around the edges. It looked...bad. Jerwin had a really cool idea and suggested printing it out and tearing it and scrunching it up. So Keat printed it out and I ripped it and stuff. It looks obviously a lot more natural and a lot better :) We will put it on a 3D plane in Maya.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Polaroid Text

I tried out different brushes for the hand written part on the polaroid photo. My handing isn't pretty, so I hope the group like at least one of these...

I don't like the first image, but I'll put it toward the group any way. The colour is too saturated as well and doesn't fit with the image as a whole.
The second image text is too faint. We want the audience to see the text obviously, so simply making the text darker or thicker will be the way to go.
I like the third image as the text fits well, it's bold easily readable (I hope!)
If the group don't like any, I can always do more.

Friday, 8 April 2016

WEEK 7 Game Analysis

Of the key narrative elements discussed so far in the course (interactivity, level design/linearity, moral choice/non-linearity, character), which do you think is the most prominent, important or interesting in your chosen game?

For the final game blog, I've decided to write about the 2D platformer Never Alone (2014) which is based on Inuit mythology. I feel like the most prominent key narrative element in this game would be linear storytelling. The reason being that the linearity helps guide the player through out the game as well as the documentaries about the Inuit people. Both the game play and narrative are linear as the character Nuna can really only run right in order to get to the next objective and node. She can run left, but then you're simply going the wrong way and aren't getting anywhere.

The cutscenes in Never Alone help shape out the narrative. It develops by completing a task, for example finding the Owl Man's drum and returning it to him where you not only get rewarded with a cutscene, but you also unlock a documentary clip explaining the way of the Inuit people. The documentary clips can be seen as optional nodes. It isn't required of the player to view these clips, but they unlock once a gameplay section is complete or once you reach a goal within the game. The cutscenes give the player more information regarding the narrative and the follow up goal to reach. The documentary clips give educational insight regarding the goals and the way of the Inuit people. Having the option to watch the documentary clips benefits some players as they may not want to play for educational purposes. At first I didn't watch them as I wanted to see what would happen next in gameplay. Watching the clips later led me to appreciate the game a lot more.

The game has many cut scenes, some of these cut scenes blend in with the game play. The narrator would be talking and I wouldn't realize that I would have to move as a polar bear is about to chase after me. As I was listening to the narrator, I thought that once he stops talking I would carry on playing. This is a good method in terms of the creators wanting the player to be immersed in the game/story as it feels as if the story is happening right then and there, overlapping. Nodes give you time to relax after a big boss fight,when you are mashing the control buttons or when you're being chased by a polar bear. "Each story segment, is essentially a reward for completing the previous section of gameplay. The number of nodes and fragments is dictated by the depth of the story. (Salen and Zimmerman, Rules of Play, 389) The difference with Never Alone is that you can't entirely relax when a cut scene comes on to the screen as you have to be ready to run if a polar bear is about to chase you.

In conclusion the reason why I found linear story telling to be the most prominent narrative element in Never Alone is because of the cultural significance it holds. The game's narrative is sharing with the player the Inuit peoples legends, stories and way of life. I find this method really effective as it gets the player immersed as it isn't necessarily something from imagination, it is what the Inuit people believe to be a sacred story to their culture. I believe that linear narratives are the best method to get across stories which proves in Never Alone.

(When I watched the documentary clips , I thought how cool it'd be if there was a Maori game like this!!)

Reference (as I could not view the clips in the game)

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Earthquake Newspaper Clipping

When I took art design in high school, we had to make magazine articles. We were told to pick whatever text from the internet and just chuck it in. Earthquakes are natural disasters that have taken many lives and can be a very sensitive topic to people that have experienced earthquakes or lost loved ones from an earthquake. Copying text from an existing earthquake article I think will be too insensitive, so I will try type something out that seems believable, but hopefully wont offend anyone.

I looked up 'destroyed buildings' for an image to use in the newspaper clipping. Lots of bombing incidents and earthquake related photos came up, but I feel like that would be to easy and thoughtless, again: insensitive. So instead I am looking up 'demolition of buildings' this way no one was really hurt and the destruction was man made and intentional.
The image below is from a demolition in Chicago that needed to modernize the hospital complex at Rush University. I reckon it works well :)

I need to make it look a bit old and the edges will be a bit torn. Might try a sepia type overlay to show that it has aged a bit. I tried to write it sort of realistically. This isn't the final newspaper clipping. As I said, I will add overlays and play around with the effects to get an old slightly ruined look.

Polaroid Photo

We picked the final photo to use for the polaroid photo of our actor Hamish/ Husband and Holly/ Elizabeth/Wife. Here they look very happy which was the goal.
I've started to photoshop the photo onto a polaroid photo. I don't want to pick a font on photoshop as it will look way too fake (even though it is). Later on I will write 'First Date' as well as a date on it with my tablet so it is hand written and more natural and realistic. I put a gaussian blur over the photo itself as it was too sharp for a polaroid and it needed to fit in more.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Tasks to do before end of term

Thought I'd make a reminder list for myself of the things I want to get done by next Friday as well as what the group should have completed by then
-Finished look of polaroid photo (both polaroid only + polaroid on mirror)
-Final look of Elizabeth (plus in mirror to show lighting and effects etc)
-Final Vanity Unit (a lot of work will have gone into this, so even if it's not done that's ok. It's very important to the story, so taking it slow is best, but would be great if it is done by next Friday)
-Shooting and reshoots done.
-50%+ of the layout of the room done.
-All modelling complete
-UVs complete.

We are all on track, regardless of the schedule being changed a bit. I reckon we will be good to go for next term and will be able to chill in the holidays :)

Research and Textures

Taylor and I reckon that it's best to go for a fabric couch rather than leather. Fabric has a more homely vibe and goes well with the rest of the furniture. Greys and blues are probably the best way to go, but the lighting will have this effect on the couch anyway due to the lighting being rather cold plus lots of the furniture will be in the dark (should be a blue tone).
I had a look at patterned fabric and plain fabric for the couch. There's not much similarities with the fabrics I chose, but I will show the group and we will come to a final decision. This also goes for the other textures. Plus I'm not necessarily choosing fabrics that I like, as a few of them a pre ugly),

I originally had dark wood in mind for the bookshelf, but after doing some research I reckon that any wood would be fine. It will most likely turn out dark anyway as the light source isn't on the bookshelf and the room will be dimly lit.This goes the same for the coffee table.

References for research


Coffee Tables

References from
Couch Textures

Bookshelf/ Coffee Tables Textures

Monday, 4 April 2016

Tasks to do

LOL scratch that last post. I have found things to do! Thanks to Taylor, i told her that I'm stuck and she suggested that I ask Patrick if he can take on texturing and UVing. I emailed him asking if it's cool, so hopefully it is. In the mean time, I'll look at materials and textures we can use. I'll try get this done by Thursday, so the group can finalize what textures they like for different pieces of furniture,

Taylor and I also had an idea regarding the photo attached to the mirror. I thought instead of it being any old photo format, it could be a polaroid. On polaroid photos people tend to write the date, time and/or place it was taken. Taylor then suggested that we can write on it 'FIRST DATE' with a heart. THEEEEEN I thought we can show the dates on the polaroid photo as well as the newspaper clipping. This will show how long they've been together and will be a rough timeline. It will be more obvious to the audience also which is to our advantage.
Once we have finalized an image to use of Hamish and Holly, I will photoshop it on a polaroid and this can contribute to one of our final images.

I really feel like everything should be looked into. It'll create more depth in the story as it already is quite a deep story and quite meaningful. The photo is what pulls the husband out of his depression, so it should be shown with a lot of thought put into it.


So for the last few days I haven't done much work. The reason being is that I don't really know what I should do at the moment. I feel like I've modelled what I can and even if I do model more things, they wont be necessary and will take up time that I should put into other things. I've finalled figured out what i need to do now and that's texturing and UVs. Only problem is that I've forgotten a lot of it. I asked Taylor if we can work through texturing and UVs together as it will be like a recap for me. I don't want to just hand over the things I've modelled to Patrick and expect him to do it. I'll at least give it a go.

In the production schedule I am supposed to be doing editing and reshoots and layout in the last 2 weeks, BUT as I'm not filming anymore, the editing and reshoots don't apply to me. So I will use that time towards 3D.
Next week I really hope we have a final image to work with to start doing the rough animation next term. It will also give us time to think over the final layout in the holidays and come back with fresh eyes to see what needs changing for the final image.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Taking photos

Today Holly came in and took photos with our actor Hamish. We went to Myers Park as it is right next to our course. We were going to take the photos in the life drawing room for the green screen, but the park gives us natural lighting and a background already present for us to work with. It's pretty sunny now as well, so it would heighten the mood of the photo - happiness. Happiness is what the husband needs to get out of the photo.
We didn't get any filming reference with Holly to animate, but we can always ask her to come in again, or someone else can easily do this as there is no dialogue and not much action.
Joseph, Raven and Gabby are filming today with Hamish. Hopefully it turns out good, but we always have time for re-shoots :)
I will recommend to the group that we should all review the clips together to point out what needs re-shooting.

WEEK 6 Game Analysis

Could your game have developed its narrative and told the same or a similar story without any of the characters?
This week I played the puzzle platformer called Fez (2012). I argue that the game could have developed it's narrative and be told similarly if the characters were removed from the game. The term 'characters' tend to refer to a person or something that has humanoid tendencies. If a character in game were to be replaced by something that is lifeless like a pencil, it is still possible for the narrative to play out.

As long as the player has a sort of avatar to control then , I feel, that the game and narrative will still work. "The avatar is, in this most basic sense, the user’s representative in interactive digital space..." (Jessica Aldred, 2013). It wouldn't necessarily have to be 'who will the player control?' , it could be 'what will the player control?' If Gomez was replaced by a shape like a sphere, that sphere would still have the mission to save the world with the narrative being unchanged. Gomez is a bunch of squares joined together to form the shape of a person, so transforming him into a simple square could still do the job of saving the world. A character named Dot is a guide for Fez and tells him the means of the 3D world. Dot is represented as a floating 3-Dimensional shape and could be removed by acting as a narrator of some sort.

The playable character Gomez is important as he was chosen by Geezer (old man) before him who also wears a Fez hat. It's as if whoever wears the Fez hat, can see the world as 3D and save the world from being destroyed. If these important characters were removed and replaced by something more complex or even more simplistic like a shape then it is possible for the narrative to develop. This is why I argue that the characters could be removed or even replaced as the narrative should still be able to play out.