Thursday, 25 February 2016

Tutor Feedback

My tutors came round and gave me feedback for my vending machine story concept.
I need a beginning and an end. To be honest I didn't consider this in the first place...just an interesting idea really.
I've thought of an ending, but I'm STUCK on the beginning. How the flip did the vending machine and little creature even get there in the first place??

Possible ending
The creature is stuck in our universe/ world/ planet in a vending machine and doesn't know how to get home. Bob comes along and activates the vending machine by putting money into the machine to buy a chocolate bar. After the vending machine has teleported to different locations, it appears back to the original environment (where Bob came in) then the vending machine 'poofs' away back to the creatures home and a real chocolate bar appears for Bob. Win win for Bob and the little creature.

Possible Beginning ?
Starts off with the creature at home in a ship and he presses a button that isn't supposed to be pressed. This teleports the creature with the 'ship' to a foreign place and the ship transforms into a vending machine as a defense to blend in with the new environment.
What on earth is this nonsense.

Why a vending machine?
To blend in with the environment, being a school environment.

What kind of world is the world from? 

.....I will..think about ...that.

What does the creature look like?
I have an idea in my head which resembles this character from a game I played when I was younger called Chuzzle.

I simply wanted the character to be cute in a way. there's no real reason as to why that is. 

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