Thursday, 25 February 2016

New Year, New Stuff

Production Cinematic
Week 1, Friday
I need to get back into the habit of blogging more frequently, hopefully daily as I slacked off a bit with blogging last year. This is the last day of the week and I'm only blogging now...good thing I started though!
Live action footage with animation assets
I had quite a few ideas run through my mind as the tutors were telling us about our group project (On Monday) I wrote them down and expanded on only 2 as these ideas caused me to carry on thinking about them and had my interest.

note: instead of typing out 'live action character' every time..his name will be Bob. 
1) Character coming out of the TV screen/computer. phone →
The phone alarm goes off and Bob doesn't wake up. A 2D character 'morphs' out of the phone screen, yelling at Bob to wake up along with a 3D megaphone to help wake Bob.

2) Favourite soft toy coming to life...

3) Find a 3D egg in a park and hatches into a 2D character.

4) Bob is at the dairy and doesn't know what to buy out of 2 items on the shelf (and they happen to be the only things on the shelf) A 2D/3D character appears on Bob's shoulders telling him what to buy, like a conscience. (Even a mini version of Bob would be neat like in Pirates of the Caribbean where Jack is in Davy Jones locker and there are multiple Jacks. A little version of Jack appears on his shoulder and pushes a dread out of his way) The little creature ends up arguing with himself on what Bob should buy and has the personality like Golem (Multiple Personality Disorder). Bob and the creature don't take notice that the 2 items have both been bought by someone else, as the creature is too busy arguing and Bob is just baffled. Guttered.

5) Little creature 'living' in a vending machine. →
Bob is at a vending machine wanting to buy something. The purchased item gets stuck in the machine. A small 2D/3D character pops up (from behind in item inside the vending machine) and tries to push the stuck item out. The character succeeds and Bob gets the purchased item. Ending? The little creature 'poofs' away ?

Different approach on 4)
I quite like the idea of a little person living in a vending machine (thought of the vending machine idea simply from seeing the new vending machines on floor 10), so I want to expand and change it around, make it more interesting.
Bob buys a chocolate bar at a vending machine. The chocolate bar is stuck due to a small 2D/3D character holding on to it. Bob and the character make intense eye contact and Bob gets angry. Bob grabs the vending machine and violently shakes the vending machine. The shaking causes the chocolate bar and the character to fall down. Bob grabs the chocolate bar out of the vending machine and holds the chocolate bar up to his face with the creature holding on the the other end of the bar, almost dangling.
I have 2 endings, 1) Bob and the character stare at each other and the creature gets uncomfortable and scared and 'poofs' away. This is a similar, if not the same ending to the original vending machine idea. 2) Bob swings the bar causing the creature to let go of the bar and splat on the wall nearby.

The animated character is from another planet or dimension. The vending machine is just for show as it is sort of ship or transporter for the animated character. The food in the vending machine is all fake. The reason the animated character holds on to the chocolate bar is because it isn't real and is part of the 'ship'.
Possible idea for the 3D object - the chocolate bar. 3D for when the animated character is holding on to it and a real chocolate bar for when the live action character is holding it.
I originally wasn't going to have environment changes because I felt like it would be too dramatic and quite random. Saying this, I thought of a reason as to why the environment would change quite dramatically (backstory). The reason the environment would change it because the disruption of the shaking to the vending machine causes it to transport to different locations then finally back to the original setting.

The amount of times the environment would change would need to be taken into consideration with the audience understanding what's happening as well as the time limit being 30-40 seconds. 10 would probably be too much as eventually bore the audience plus it would be too much in 30-40 seconds. Roughly 3 times would be good as it would still engage the audiences' interest. I picked locations that can actually be filmed (a desert would be difficult).

The alternate ending was that the intense eye contact between both characters causes the animated character to 'poof' away because he was scared. This ending isn't as strong as the current ending plus it makes the animated character seem like he gave up too easily.

3) Arriving home to find your pet turned into a 2D/3D character. if 2D, turns on the side and you can't see the pet (like paper).

YAY Vending Machine transporting idea it issssss.

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