Monday 3 October 2016

Animated Assets 008

YAAAS!! Everything is going very well! After all that stressing over the break, I've finally finished my animated assets for Team Sprout :)
On Saturday night I tried doing as much as I could, but I got stuck on the part where there's a box like set up of idle→transition_f→moving state→transition_b→idle in the Animator window. This is because I wasn't sure if I had to do this as my assets are looping entirely.
Today in class, I asked Lena and she said that all I really need is the looped animation, not even an idle. I didn't realise just how easy making all of this was, until I did it for myself. In class it was quite overwhelming, but going through Lena's tutorial videos were excellent (thank you!).

On a..bad note. As I was quite caught up with the animated assets during the break, that I forgot to contribute a background concept going from burnt down to nice. I am disappointed in myself, and I hope I haven't let my team down. We are only having one background for this hand in, but the background may change. If the team would still like me to do a concept, I will!

I am pre positive that I am done with my individual submissions, I just need to drop them into the google drive. Our team have decided that one person from our team will be putting all the animated assets into one unity file. We will all get as much as we can get done today...before we're kicked out of the class. We still have tomorrow to make final touches.

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